Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lets Pray..

Lets pray that everything will be fine..Lets pray that I will hav a happy ending once I finish my college life. I love my family. I want to love myself. I like you my god. I just wish I can be happy like the rest.

Let the god bless me and those I love very much...I love everyone.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bear this...just hang in there!

Yeah....can anyone just lend their shoulders for me to cry on...pleaseee....
I really need it for these coming months...Just wished, everything will be normal. I wish I was normal.
When I though keeping it to myself would heal, it wasn't till I realise if I never change, there will be no one to change me. I decided to be my is hard at first but eventually I was getting used to it...

Let just hope that...any of these life will be as bright as sunshine and all my sorrow will fly away...I know it sounds too impossible but hope is is a medicine for a thorn and broken heart!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Watch this....

It was very touching as I almost cried....I wish I will be able to open my heart for him, I need you right now..Derek Redmond still ruling me!

 I am suppose to have a great time in UCSI University rite??
Then...what is my problem???!!!

I see all my friends are happy and they are so bubbly and jovial...why not me??
I seem to be so emo and...I just feel so empty, why is that so??
I thought I won't be like this again after my high school...I though I can start all over again, but this is not what I wanted....I wanted to be happy but all the other way around!!!

Y is it so....I wonder if i will ever get friends if i continue to be like this...

p.s: I just feel that I am just not cool enough among my friends!


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