Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It has been almost 4 days, I don't keep a count but I think it is..I couldn't breathe because the one side of the opening is blocked which thick mucus and the other is with running mucus..Oh gosh...why does it have to be so disgusting....I was just trying to be specific about what is happening to my body. Followed by sore throat, when I cough, I wish I never is so painful. (sob, sob)....The fever runs high when I don't take my medication and seriously I hate medicine, it is just that, I am to lazy to take them....Ho Hseinting....thank you for reminding me about the deadline of Form 6 registration...sorry to say...I couldn't come because I am in a terrible mess and I don't want to spread it to innocent people...

Yen Ning and Patricia...thank you for being so caring towards me..I will drink a lot of water and I hope within this month I will recover from this nasty is spoiling my social life~!!!!!

Part of me, is saying A-levels will be great and another is saying is it the right choice??
I did hear from some who says it is tough and you won't get government scholarship but I don't really care because I lose hope on the government...THEY SUCK!!!!

By the way...about my sickness....I hope it will be cured....I don't want to be quarantined for H1N1 or DENGUE....I don't want to die yet!!
I hope it is a normal cold and it can be treated with some medication and  bed rest!!!

cheers for now...take a seriously good care for your health

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