Friday, December 12, 2008

Love for Real...

What does that feels like to be in love? How does it feels like when you see him through his eyes, the sensation of being loved? How do you feel when you know he is the right guy for you and you realize somehow both of you are connected? This is sure a good feeling for those 'love birds' out there to explore the true love!!! Our whole life has been a better place for love because we are being loved every single day and night. When we first step into this world, we been loved by our parents and and our relatives, neighbours. After we grew a little, we got 'love feed' by our friends and teachers and when we start our courier, we got some love by our colleges...sometimes but that is really wonderful.The power of love. However the love of the opposite sex is a magical thing!!! I shouldn't say this right in the middle that I never been loved by a guy!!! Then I realize that I am just a teen with some feelings deep inside who wanting to be loved...The sexual attraction between the opposite sex has been the amazing thing...well since nobody knows when this love have been existed! Now you can see the whole lot of love. The desire and the passion is something that will come off naturally when you are in love. Love is a complicated thing that nobody can describe. When you are in love, everything seems to be so magical and sweet. You will feel more beautiful in and out. The world would be like a paradise and you will love chocolates and ice creams even when you are dieting!!! Ever single thing counts when you are in love like telling hi! or bringing soup when she is sick, having lunch side by side together and even better looking deep into the eyes for a moment. Love is a pleasure, a good feeling about someone you love and it is not about gifts or lavish diamond necklace...IT IS ABOUT UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER WELL!!! LOVE once again is a moment that everyone will experience in their life for once no matter rich, poor, pretty,ugly. I t is the only thing to feel without feeling insecure!!!

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