Friday, April 2, 2010


It is just so awesome to  see her doing the spin 3 times flawlessly with ease. i admire that. She was so flexible and she begun to to be passionate in the figure skating after watching the Olympic back when she was small. She memorised them and practising the moves again and again without giving up. Thanks to her mom for letting her to achieve and make her dreams come true. It is a pleasure within you to see the most beautiful and talented daughter of your not only mesmerising  the world with stunning figure skating moves but she is a Hero within the hearst of the Seoul people. She is treated with royalty and all the young girls are dreaming to become like her..   

It was then when she had a fracture at her back bone before the most important event of her lifetime, she had to compete with 10 other talented and famous figure skaters in the world but  the pain was never gonna stop her from making her county Korea proud. It was like never before seen Yuna Kim to stip and toss aroung the ring like a majestic queen and often for some reason she was a stunning materpiece of Korea.

Her coach told the media that he had never seen anything like her before and he will never see again. I t was a very big remark to give because we are always persuaded that nobody is perfect. Is she a icon of perfectionist?

 However it is she was in the ring like a SWAN and it was very captivating and she was still young to win the wold championship of figure skating. I won the first prize by exceeding 200 points never before done by anyone. Thanks to all her hard work and preserverance!!!

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